One Day at a Time


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Well, last night we fulfilled our family’s New Year’s tradition which we started doing a few years ago. We were jumping off chairs, running outside banging on pots and pans and yelling “Happy New Year!!”

The Reason for that craziness is to: ‘bring in the new year with a bang!’ We then, reminisce over the past year, set new year resolutions and then head for bed.

Wow, a new day, a new year. There may be some of you that do not make resolutions. I used to make them and realized that after a few hours or days, I had broken every resolution I vowed to do.

So I have decided over the past few years, that I need to take one day at a time. I can’t think about 365 days at once.Yes, I do set goals, but making a resolution that is to last all year  doesn’t work well for me. I have to break it down; like, as to one day, or an hour, or even a minute

Remember the song written in 1990,”One Day at a time Sweet Jesus”? (Well, maybe, some of you remember.) I reviewed the words to that song and it asks God to give us strength to do every day what is required of us. Some times that feels overwhelming.  The words “yesterday’s gone” reminds us that we can’t change what happened in the past. However, we can learn from the past; and ask God to help us correct the wrongs, make right choices, right decisions, now, and in the future. The Bible says in James that God will give us abundant wisdom if we would just ask Him. The song also reminds us that tomorrow is not promised to us; so we need to enjoy each day the Lord gives us.

Moms, consider praying each morning and asking God for wisdom, direction, understanding, love and passion as you start each day.

Take some quiet time to read the Bible and grow spiritually, desiring a closer walk with the Lord.  The Bible is a number one manual to instruct you in how to live, treat others, a guide as an individual, a parent, and for training your children.

As you face circumstances, trials, challenges, disappointments, and opportunities, look at each of these as a lesson for you to learn.

I have been struggling the last couple of years with back pain and I am still under Dr.’s care. I was not understanding why I was and am still in pain. The  Dr.was running tests, and looking at me as if I am a special patient he can’t figure out. Well, after a few visits and feeling like a ping pong ball being hit around by three different specialists; I finally got the picture. God wanted me to witness to the Dr.’s and their assistants. I got each of my Dr.’s a Doctor Bible with their names engraved on the front. My pain management Dr. has been asking questions about Christ. I have been able to give the Gospel to him. As he was leaving the examination room, he turned and said, “So is this what you go around doing, converting people”? I responded and smiled and said, “Yes, that is why I hurt my back so I could meet you and share with you God’s plan.” I laughed a little but, now, my dear reader, I do believe that is why I am in the pain I am experiencing so I can be a witness for Christ. It took me Dr. visits, MRI’s, Ultrasounds, and X-rays to realize I needed to use my circumstances for God’s glory. With God’s help I am trying to do just that very thing. I am using my opportunities for God to be known to various people.

Ask God to let you see Him and look for Him in each of your new days. He may show Himself through the sweet words of a child, an elderly lady smiling at you,  words from a song, a pat on the back, a phone call from a friend or an email. Open your spiritual eyes to see. Don’t waste your routine days and figure “ho hum” or “same oh, same oh”. If you ask God to show you something from Him every day, you my friend, will be blessed.

Now, I know there may be days that will be rough days. You  may be so stressed that the only thing you can do is look up, and thank God for the rain or thank Him that he placed the Sun in the sky. I have had those kind of days, but you need to praise God through each challenge.

You made it to a new day and a new year, so be refreshed, set some new goals, add to your bucket list, seek wisdom from God, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to live.

Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments Psalm 119:164

Love, hug, listen, and enjoy moments with family and friends. Life is too short to hold grudges and resentments. Dedicate your life anew to Christ or receive Him as your personal Savior. Then live; just one day at a time.

(Song: “One Day at a time” written in 1990 by Kris Kristofferson and Marijohn Wilkin)

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