My Mommy’s got this!

Hi, to all kids like me in this whole wide world, I just want you to know what I am thinking. At my young age, I don’t say much but I do think a lot.

I have a brother who is six years old and a four year old sister; so my mommy knows how to take care of me really good. She always makes sure that I am fed even though I really don’t like some of the vegetables she gives me. Those red beets she mashes for me make me shiver all over. They are not sweet like peaches or banana pudding she makes for me.

My mommy is so very special that they even have a special day just for her. It is always on a Sunday so mommy and daddy make sure we are at church early on that day. My mommy always gets a flower on her day. Daddy has my brother and sister color a picture tracing their hands, so mommy will know how much they are growing. This year, I got my hand traced. It tickled a little bit but her smile, when she saw the pictures, made it worth it.

I just wanted to share things about my mommy. Do you know that she doesn’t get upset when we spill something on her clothes? She just wipes it off. Sometimes we keep her so busy during the day that she doesn’t have time to put any make up on before daddy comes home.

She always finds time to hug me. She always has time to say she loves me and gives me a kiss on my cheek. She makes sure my food is ready on time. She gives me fun baths at night. She always makes my blankets smell good in my bed because they are always clean.

She tells me that she checks on me during the night. A couple of times I got sick in the night. She hugged me, took my temperature, ( I don’t want to say where), and gave me some medicine to make my stomach feel better. She changed the sheets on my bed and put clean pjs on me. She made sure I was feeling better before she left my room.

Of all the great things my mommy does, I really like it when she sings songs to me. She sings the same songs that my church preschool teachers sing. My mommy must have had time to teach them to those pretty church ladies. My favorite song is “Jesus loves me”. I know as I get older I will learn more and more about what Jesus did for me. I heard that He loves me, died for me, came alive, and is going to come back and get all the people that have Him in their life. Their Savior.

I heard my mommy and daddy talking about some Bible verses that they had read together that morning. Wow! I found out that they read their Bible and pray before I ever wake up. They said that they pray I will have a good day and my brother and sister will make right choices and love each other. That is really nice to hear.

Now for a kid like me, I am so happy that they are wanting to be the best for me, my brother, and my sister.

If you were having someone write about your mommy, like this lady is in this blog; you would probably say the same thing I am saying: “Mommy’s got this!”

Honour thy father and thy mother…Exodus 20:12a

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6


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