Meet a Friend who stepped out of the box.

Before I share information about my dear friend of fourteen years, I was wondering if you have met someone in your life who is a thoughtful, kind, caring, willing, and loving person? On top of the inner beauty, this person is also beautiful on the outside?

Well, this is my friend Joy. I met her at church and she was always willing to help in the preschool department. She plays the piano, gives lessons, and  has a kind, caring husband, David. They have three beautiful children.

Joy is the type of person who is willing to teach little ones Bible stories, play and give piano lessons. She has not been one who is outspoken. She is not one who loves to be a leader in a room of people; that is, until God spoke to her. Here is her story:

God’s ways are frequently challenging, usually beyond comprehension, but always good. In 2012, God began the process of moving our family to another church. To say this was a difficult process would be an understatement. My husband had been a committed member of the church we were attending for about 40 years. We served, had many friends, our children were connected and our roots were deep; however, God had greater plans.

Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, much prayer and visiting several churches, God clearly led us to Faith Baptist Church here in Jacksonville, Fl. We slowly began serving and finding our places. Josie Aenis was a longtime friend of ours, and we were familiar with It’s 4 uMom. However, I had never been deeply involved. One day out of nowhere, my husband said he was thinking maybe it would be a good idea for me to start an It’s 4 uMom group at Faith. What? I had never run a group like that. How would I get the speakers? Would our pastor and his wife like the idea? Would our church ladies be comfortable with a “new” member heading up a ladies group? God always leads and guides when we are willing to follow.

We had our first meeting in January of 2016; 22 ladies attended. It has been a blessing to watch God work in the hearts and lives of all the ladies; who not only faithfully attend our meetings, but also work hard to make them happen. God has also brought visitors to most of our meetings, which is a huge blessing. The fellowship is always sweet. Prayer time is powerful. Encouragement abounds. Friendships are strengthened. Sorrow is shared. God is magnified.

As we continue to move forward with It’s 4 uMom, our prayer is that God will continue to work. In this day of rapidly growing moral decay in our society, it is of utmost importance that God’s people draw closer to Him and to each other.

It’s 4 uMom is an excellent tool to accomplishing this task. I am thankful that Josie listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and started this women’s group. I am also thankful that my husband listened to the Holy Spirit and worked to get this established at our new church home.          Blessings. Joy

Here is a sweet lady who was willing to step outside her comfort zone, step out of the box; in order to reach community moms. Striving to build relationships, in time witness, win them and grow the church. May we think bigger, be willing to do bigger, so  when we stand before God someday, we will not have to say:                                                                                            “I should have thought bigger.”

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13.

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