Best Security camera ever!!! / Mom

Ok. Another summer gone and children are back in school. Seems like families get less and less time for fun in the sun, summertime.

When you have  purchased all the school supplies needed: backpacks, lunch bags, I-Pads, notebooks, pencils, school uniforms, books, and a cell phone, etc. etc. You wonder what if anything, you may have forgotten. Oh, yes; first day school pictures, to post on  facebook and instagram. Moms love to show off their children. In those pictures you see some smiling, some rolling their eyes,  and some displaying an attitude. Anyway, off to school we go. You drive them on school campus and pull up to the car drop off area,  or they ride the bus, or better yet, big brother or big sis drives everyone to school. Perhaps before school starts, as students are being instructed about the school safety rules, it is time that parents review the basics of school life  with their children.

We are in a different world, since you were in school mom and dad. Regardless of you being a parent of a five year old, or a parent of a high school senior, school is totally different.

Review  these basics and implement them:

  1. Daily tell your child you love them.
  2. Hug them before they leave for school.
  3. Remind them that they are not to ride with any stranger.
  4. Pray for, and with your child, every morning and evening.
  5. Give them a cell phone. Follow school rules about it.
  6. Tell them to call you if any changes in schedule or events.
  7. Homework to be done w/o music or TV.
  8. Listen to your child. Bullying, teasing, attitude change, these must be addressed.
  9. Let your child feel secure by giving them time. They need open communication with you.
  10. Give them space, teaching responsibilities and choices.
  11. Encourage them to do their best and respect authority.
  12. Be engaged in your school. Know what is going on.

The schools are on alert for any action and are reviewing security videos to make sure they are prepared for anything. There are more security people on duty during the school year than ever before. More security cameras are being installed to watch the campus. There are locked buildings and cards have to be swiped in order to enter. These are all great changes and are so needed. We definitely pray that there will not be any school shootings this year. But in today’s  world, we must be prepared.

Rest assured that God is with us and cares for us. the Bible says:

Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7.

Pray daily with and for your child. God is a great God and He is wanting us to ask Him to help us.  God so loved us that He gave us moms that see things we would never think a human could see. For example, she knows when her child is up to something, because they are extremely quiet or extremely polite and asking if they can help you. Because she is a mom, we believe she can see behind her and beside her. It is amazing the eye contact a mom has even when her child is not in the same room. God made moms with the best security cameras any human eye could be. Of course, mom sees with them. She can talk with her eyes, (what was that  look about?) She can even listen with her eyes. The best camera there is, are the eyes of mom and dad. We know that working under stress or challenges, is hard on you; but your children need you to watch them. When riches, material items, and time is weighed on a scale next to your child, the balance is shifted and your child is the most valuable possession you will ever own. Take heed parents. Someday you will know and see the difference you have made  when you see, hear and listen with your eyes. The best security cameras installed for watching over your own children is you.

Then mom, you will thank God for letting you be a mom. You will have trophy pictures of your children when they graduate from school and move on. Take time for them. It is so needed and they so want you to watch over them.

Wherever you roam, moms can see everywhere, even from the housetop.



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